How long will you toil My time? My salvation is good, but My Fullness is great. I’ve not called you to be mediocre. I have called you to greatness. Stop hiding behind your masks of busyness and excuses. I have given you a plan and a purpose. The time to move forward is now. I am well able and will provide every resource to see your purpose through to the end. You believe, but now believe me for more. Your dreams aren’t just dreams, they are prophetic destinies that I’m waiting to birth. I can’t deliver until you push. The pain will continue as long as you labor. My deliverance will come as you deliver. My hands will be the ones that catch what you birth. I will cut the cord that connects it only to you and give it its first breath and cry for all around to hear. You will behold its beauty and the favor of My Holiness. Don’t withhold My gifts any longer. When you invest your talents I will increase them. My grace is sufficient. You are well equipped to build. I will continue to instruct you through the Holy Spirit. Push says the Lord!
Bonnie Kay Rimpson I am a married, stay at home mother of six. My desire is to see the brokenhearted healed, the captives set free, and gifts and callings activated by the power of God through prayer and prophecy.
June 2024
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