Your voice sounds like a symphonic melody. Your praise smells like lilacs in a summer breeze. The tears from your cry taste like honey dripping fresh from the honey comb. I take pleasure when you call out to me. Don’t be ashamed. I already know you’re not perfect. I see your struggles, pains and scars. I can only heal and deliver if you repent and bring them to me. I want your weakness to be made perfect in My strength. I want you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. See yourself as I see you. You are made in My image and created with purpose. The longer you stay away from Me, the longer it will take for you to experience wholeness. I can turn your failures into success. Don’t you know that I do simple things and confuse the wise. Surrender it to me in prayer and I will take pleasure in your requests. I will perfect the things that concern you says the Lord.
Bonnie Kay Rimpson I am a married, stay at home mother of six. My desire is to see the brokenhearted healed, the captives set free, and gifts and callings activated by the power of God through prayer and prophecy.
June 2024
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