Read Romans 8
Time is calling for forward movement. There has been delay, there has been setbacks, there has been sabotage, there has been disappointment, and there has been failure, but the God of perfect alignment and timing is pushing you into synergy with the clock of the kingdom. There is no condemnation. Don't look back or think of the things that have previously made you stuck. Step purposefully into radical obedience and experience exponential transformation into the future that you have prayed for. Now is the time for breakthrough. The whole earth is in earnest expectation and eagerly waiting for you, as a child of God, to be revealed and testify of God's goodness through the assignment that He has given you. It is working out for your good, you cannot be separated from His love, and you are more than a conqueror. No more excuses. Pick up your cross, proclaim your testimony, and overcome. The harvest is ready. Will you labor?
Read Romans 8
The time is here for the Lord to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Before He does, he is giving us a chance to let the winds of God blow it from among ourselves. Come out of hiding. Open the door and let the wind of God clean your house of anything extra. I heard the Lord say that there is too much chaff. We have been taking too much in from others and have forsaken getting in the presence of God to get our own revelation. Let the winds blow. There has been a form of Godliness, but we have lacked the power thereof. I have been thinking of and have been focused on the demonstration power of God. It is coming, but first… these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is LOVE! We have settled for a worldview of love. Love is a fruit of the Spirit. It is patient, kind, it doesn’t envy, does not boast, or isn’t prideful, it isn’t rude or selfish, it is not provoked, it thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity and rejoices in truth. It bears all Believes all Hopes all Endures all It NEVER fails! True love has only been demonstrated at the cross! We make a mockery of the cross if we do not choose to love. Love activates power! Love ignites the Holy Spirit! Love covers a multitude of sins and delivers! Love heals! Love goes into the ends of the earth and makes disciples, baptizes them, lays hands on the sick, speaks in tongues, casts out demons, raises the dead and SHARES THE GOSPEL! The next move of God Is only released by His love and all else will follow. Love casts out all fear! Love releases fire that is contagious. It is all consuming and Purifying. Love is HOLY! If you believe His love healed you, then walk in your healing and be broken no more. If you believe that His love has freed you, then be free and be in bondage no more. If you believe His love adopted you, be a son or daughter and receive your inheritance. If you believe His love has reconciled you, then walk in an intimate relationship with Him. EVERYTHING that Jesus did was because of His love. His love PAID IT ALL and His love has given us ALL Power over the enemy! We’ve been so focused on the demonstration that we forgot about love. Why do we want to demonstrate? Is it for the sake of demonstrating because that we know it is supposed to follow those that believe, or is it because we love God’s people and want NO SOUL to PERISH?!?!? These three remain. Faith. Hope. Love. But the greatest of these is love. EVERYTHING ELSE IS CHAFF! Faith that pleases God and quenches the fiery darts of the enemy, hope that is in the glory which is In Christ Jesus and LOVE that has given us complete SALVATION! I am so excited about the next season we are about to enter into! The Holy Spirit reminded me about the upcoming new year on the Jewish calendar, so I knew that I had to inquire of God. Rosh Hashanah for 2019 begins sunset September 29th and ends at nightfall October 1st. Although I celebrate and observe the American calendar holidays, there is significance in the spirit during the Jewish holidays.
2019 is the Jewish New Year 5780. Jewish numbers have pictures that represent prophetic symbols. Through prayer, God has revealed to me what to expect this upcoming year. The number 5 represents a window. God is opening up windows that were once closed. Those that have eyes to see will see heaven on Earth. You will be able to see what God sees and filter it from His perspective. Things will make sense as you are able to put the pieces together. I also saw the 5 fold gifts of ministry coming together to function in governmental power. Until now, the body has been separated and seeking their own agenda. The power of synergy will accelerate kingdom advancement as all parts work together. Matthew 6:10 (NKJV) 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Ephesians 4:11-16 (NKJV) 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [a]edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. The number 7 represents a sword. This is the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. Every battle has victory by the Word of God. Lies can only be overcome by the truth which lies in Jesus. We do not have to be weary in battle if we know God’s Word. We need it inscribed in our hearts so that when the enemy comes, we can say “It is written”. The number 7 also represents completion. You have completed your last season! Ephesians 6:17 (NKJV) 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; This leads me to the number 8 which is new beginnings. All things new. To receive the new, you have to let go of your old mind set and old patterns of doing things. Be intentional about change to get new results. God will not force you to advance. Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV) 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert There is no Jewish symbol for the number 0, but God showed me debt cancellation. Forgiveness of sin and financial forgiveness. In order to receive this, you must forgive others of their debts. People who owe you are accountable to God. If you continue to hold offense, then there will be a delay. Let go of the past and watch how God restores and increases you. Matthew 6:12 (NKJV) 12 And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. Luke 6:37 (NKJV) Do Not Judge 37 “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Although I did 8 an 0 separately, I also was excited to see the number 80 which means mouth. After seeing through the window, and utilizing the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God, then you must speak it. Men do not live on bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. What God says will be repeated by you and it will bring life! You will have what you say. Speak life! Your tongue also carries the power of death. Be intentional about choosing your words. Matthew 4:4 (NKJV) 4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV) 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. I speak blessings and wholeness over you as you receive this word. May the blood of Jesus seal this as truth and may the Holy Spirit lead you into executing its fullness. Embrace your new season. This is going to be a good year for the kingdom of God! Last night as I started to settle down from the busyness of my day, I clearly heard the sound of glass slowly breaking. It was like the sound that you would hear as you step on a sheet of ice that cracks. I closed my eyes to focus on the sound, then I saw myself in a glass box. I could see everything going on around me, but couldn’t make any significant moves. Then suddenly, I saw the glass slowly begin to break! I felt this breaking deep in my spirit and immediately went into praise. God has allowed me to see many things on my journey with Him. I’ve pondered on His promises and stewarded over my gifts. God has been amazing to me in too many ways to list, but He has been the one to keep me in the glass box. It was for my protection. He could not let me breakthrough until He matured me through His process. So many times we blame the devil for what is going on in our lives. We give Him way more power than he actually has. I’m not ignorant to his devices and know that he comes after us, but because of our authority in Christ, he cannot have what God has planned for us. Your purpose belongs to God and it is time to break through! This is a season of coming into His fullness for your life. His promises are being fulfilled and His wisdom is being released. Strategy is being made clear. Focus is replacing distraction. Joy is coming to overwhelm you! Thank God for His promises. Your praises are being received. Get ready to breakthrough into His promises! Looking out of my window this morning, I was in extreme disappointment and longing for the warmer weather to come. The news predicted snow, but I was hoping it would pass. I was in amazement that the snow was actually sticking considering that it is already April. As I took a closer look out of my bedroom window I was intrigued to see the buds on my tree peeping out through the snow. This made me inquire of God.
Many of my own interpretations were running through my head, but they were going nowhere. I couldn’t even find the scriptures that I was looking for. God brought me to Genesis 8 which is titled Noah’s Deliverance. God’s Covenant with Creation 20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 21 And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done. 22 “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” The seasons will surely remain as long as the earth turns (makes me think about global warming, mmh). Although the seasons will always exist. God is in control of the weather. A new season is upon us, but there are some things that God does not want to sprout. His mercy is so tender that He is giving us a chance to get it right. I believe this word is specifically for the Midwest right now. There are many people of God and even entire ministries that have grown trees that have been producing bad fruit. God does not want to take you out. He is extending His mercy and prolonging the cold to give you a chance to repent and Him deal with you privately. God wants you to build Him an altar with a clean sacrifice that releases a soothing aroma. Woe to you who don’t repent, because the stench from your altar will be exposed publicly. This will happen fast, no matter what you decide. Even as I’m writing the accumulated morning snow has melted and it’s only the afternoon. It is predicted to be in the 70’s in a few days. God is ready for us to grow fruit. He wants it to be good fruit that gives life. He wants us to move in power, free from perversion and scandal. Our gifts belong to Him and they have to stay clean to carry His glory. God sealed His promise to Noah by using a rainbow as a reminder of their covenant. Today we see a rainbow when the sun and rain meet. God uses signs to catch our attention and speak if we will listen. If the sun and rain can meet as a reminder of His promise, then receive the snow and the tree buds as our sign of mercy for this season. Get delivered from whatever is keeping your sacrifice clean through sincere repentance and surrender. Watch how fast God moves. Acceleration is here. Whatever fruit you produce will be multiplied quickly. Father, thank You for the mercy that you have extended to us in this season. Forgive us for planting, growing, or/and becoming trees that produce rotten fruit. Purge us from all of our selfish prideful motives, perversion, manipulation, greed, unforgiveness, rebellion, and our sinful imaginations. We give and surrender it all to you. We repent of behavior that has made our sacrifice unacceptable and ask You to clean us completely with the blood of Jesus. Restore and heal our souls. We want to create an alter that releases a soothing aroma. Let everything that we produce give you glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen! I was in a place of worship. I went to go swim in the river of God. As I was swimming, I suddenly started to torpedo down to the depths, the very bottom, of the water. At the bottom I saw a very large clam. It was open and had endless pearls spilling out of it. The Lord told me to reach and start making a necklace for a specific friend.
These were the most amazing pearls that I had ever seen. The colors illuminated in a way that I don’t think we could see with the natural eye. You have to be in the spirit to see their true beauty. They were breathtaking. They never ran out. There was constant production. After I made the necklace, the Lord told me to scoop all the pearls that was in the clam’s mouth to the side. He then instructed me to get in. After I was laying in the mouth of the clam in a fetal position, it’s mouth quickly shut. The Lord said, this is where you have been. Pearls are made of a single piece of sand that gets stuck in the clam’s mouth. The clam gets irritated and grinds this sand and produces a film that covers it over and over again until the pearl is formed. I am an irritant to the enemy. I have been hidden and have suffered many attacks, but the Lord Himself has been covering me with His Glory. The layers are producing the manifold wisdom of God. There was an endless amount of pearls. This is not just for me. Although you have been through hell, God is covering you. He is processing you. He is revealing His wisdom. He is preparing you for your purpose. Enter into the river that flows from His throne of grace. Go to the very depths and find you. See how beautiful you are becoming. Know that you are an irritant to the enemy and God WILL get the glory in it all! The necklace that I made for my friend was the people that God is sending her. They have been processed and are assigned to her ministry. Others are also receiving their necklaces. God is sending you people who will be in covenant with your ministry. They will be a help and not a burden. They will help you lead. They will be beautiful in the spirit and have the wisdom of God. Their testimonies will give glory to God alone and free those who hear it. May the God of peace be with you always. May He cover you with His glory and impart His wisdom as you are being prepared for your purpose. As many of the prophets are releasing, we are coming into a season of the shift. God is taking us in a new direction. I saw in the spirit gears working together movement. The gears interlock to create movement in the proper direction. When gears shift to a new direction, they slow down and then come to a stop before they can switch to go the other way. This is the time that we are in now. Many of us are at the point where the gears are stopping to move into the next direction. It is crucial for us not to freak out because we are stopping. At the very moment we stop, the enemy is looking for something to stick in between the gears to make us stuck. Discernment is key. We have to be able to spot the counterfeit and not fall for the false “blessing” that would keep us stuck. The stopping will only be for a moment, but the enemy comes in fast to discourage and distract us from God’s original instructions. Be aware of those speaking things that seem good, but aren’t what God spoke to you concerning your purpose. Enter into the rest of the Lord knowing that He hasn’t changed His mind and your shift is coming. He is faithful to complete the work that He has started and is about to show Himself in ways that will overwhelm you. Set your eyes and heart towards Him and get ready for the shift!
I hear the wind. It is the wind that comes from the breath of God. It is the wind that comes from His voice. He is speaking. Receive the instructions of His voice and it will shift your entire situation.
I hear laughter. It is the laughter that comes from the enemy. Just as he thought he won when Jesus was crucified, so does he think he has won through your struggle and sifting. He was wrong then and is wrong now. You’ve been purged and pruned. You have learned patience and trust. Your faith hasn’t wavered. You have matured and persevered. Receive the life that comes from the breath of God. Breathe through your nostrils a refreshing that will restore your soul. Receive the manifold wisdom that comes from His voice. He is making it clear. Drown out the distraction of laughter from the enemy and put your ear towards God. He will not put your name to shame. He is going to take pleasure in your prosperity. Every promise is being released for His victory. Take what He gives you and invest it. Sow it. Don’t be afraid to do what seems impossible. There is grace and power on every seed planted in this season. Don’t bury what He gives You, or you will miss the fullness of His blessing. He wants you to produce fruit in every season. He wants to restore you to the tree of life that brings healing to the nations. Listen for the wind. Feel His breath. Hear his voice. The shift you been longing for is here. I have put my voice in your mouth. Will you not speak? I’ve given you power in your tongue. Why do you keep silent? You are not crazy. Do not be afraid of your gift. I gave it to you with purpose. It is time to move out of fear and into my perfect love. The words I give you carry power to transform and shift, create and cancel, bind and loose. You are qualified and capable. You do not need to prove yourself to man. You will be known by your fruit and my glory will rest with you. Only choose life. Speak life to every situation. Resist the temptation to indulge yourself into the problem. You are the solution. No more stress, no more worry, no more frustration; Just My peace. My peace will guard your heart and mind as you release My voice. You’ve been bound long enough. Free yourself by stepping into who I say You are. You are My child. You are my friend. You are my beloved. You are my messenger. You are my prophet. Now operate in the authority that I have given to you by My Spirit. The locks will break. The doors will open. The light will shine with the goodness of My promise. Your gifts will make room for your purpose and your assignment will be clear. I have filled your belly and your mouth. Now speak says the Lord.
God is promoting His people. What’s holding you back? This is the season that you have been waiting for. You are standing in the elevator. The floor you stop on is determined on how much you are willing to leave behind. New levels need new mindsets. New levels need new connections. New levels need new armor. You cannot go to the elevated place with the weight of the old place still attached. God will multiply what you leave behind, but you must decide to leave it. He is looking for your obedience. If you trust in Him He will not put your name to shame. Your dreams are just a glimpse of what He wants to do. There is more. More than you can ask or think. More than what you have ever desired. He wants to clothe you with a new mantle. He wants to replace your battle wearied armor. He wants to set you in the place where His influence and glory will be a miracle to those around you. He wants to clothe you in His favor and give you supernatural wisdom. Strategy and clarity are before you, but you must be willing to go. Don’t say with your lips that you are ready, but with your heart you are tied to the old. Respect the old for the growth it brought and move forward with confidence. You are about to embark on a season like you have never seen before, but God is with you and your enemies are under your feet. He is giving you the spoil, but you must obey His command. His instructions will be clear. Your only job is to obey.
Father we thank You for elevation. We thank You for the new place of promise before us. Forgive us for being tied to our past and afraid to move forward. We surrender it all to you now and receive the new; the new armor, the new connections, the new mantle, and the new mindset. We wait on Your instructions and pray for a heart of obedience that we may fearlessly be elevated by the power of your mighty hand to new levels of faith and glory. Let everything we do make Your name great for the whole world to see. We pray to stay in humility and to be known by Your love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen! |
Bonnie Kay Rimpson I am a married, stay at home mother of six. My desire is to see the brokenhearted healed, the captives set free, and gifts and callings activated by the power of God through prayer and prophecy.
June 2024
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